Parents, please watch the following video with morning drop off tips.
A reminder we will have an Early Release on Wednesday, October 27th. 🐾
Come to the SMS Cafetorium to see a spoof on the classic play, A Christmas "Carol" on December 17 (@ 7:30PM) and December 18 (@ 7:30PM). 5 and under FREE, K-8 $3, Adult $5. See you at the show!
Tickets can be purchased at:
Lost & Found! We have a lot of items, please come to the Endeavor entry way to see if your child has misplaced clothes or other items. Items not picked up will be donated by October 29th. Thanks!
We're already 25% through the year! The End of Quarter 1 is Wednesday. 🐾
Tomorrow morning is School Picture Re-Take Day at Endeavor Elementary
Picture Retake day is this Wednesday!
Congratulations to our first Student of the Month winners! Great job kids!
Endeavor Family Night is coming up!
We're Hiring!
The Harrisburg School District is currently accepting applications for the following positions:
⚫️ Substitutes for:
- Bus Drivers
- Custodians
- Kitchen Assistants
✏️Apply at
A reminder there will be an Early Release on Wednesday, September 29th.
Are you in 2nd-8th grade and interested in the performing arts? Then sign up for the HHS Drama Club DRAMA CAMP on October 16 from 9-4. Camp costs $35 and includes workshops, a public performance, a t-shirt, lunch, snacks, and fun!
🏀 K-2 Boys Basketball Camps
🏀 3rd-4th & 5th-6th Boys Basketball Camps
💡Power appears to have been restored to District buildings.
Each fall, the Harrisburg School District has an Early Childhood Screening event for families of children ages 3 - 5 years old who live within the District boundaries. If you are concerned about your 3 - 5 year olds development, consider attending one of our screening events.
More Information: 🔗
Want to learn how you can collect box tops and earn money for Endeavor? Watch this!
If you are able, PTO hopes you’ll help our teachers replenish their indoor recess activities! Just a few clicks is all it takes!!
Grade 1:
Grades 2&3:
Grades 4&5:
Are you currently a 2nd-8th grader? Then sign-up for the HHS Drama Club Drama Camp! Camp is October 16 from 9AM-4PM @ HHS. Cost is $35 and includes t-shirt, lunch, snack, workshops, and public performance. Questions: Register:
Are you in need of childcare on our Early Release days for your elementary student? EMBE and Boys & Girls Club both provide after school care.
It’s Homecoming Week! Please note the important information below regarding this week’s festivities:
🗓 Early Release
We will have an Early Release on Friday prior to the Parade.
HHS – 11:35 AM, Middle School – 11:45 AM, Elementary School – 12:00 PM
🎉 Parade: The parade leaves HHS at 1:30 PM and will end between approximately 2:30 – 2:45 PM.
👩👧👦 Parade Participants:
⭐️ Are you or your child RIDING on A FLOAT in the parade?
Float RIDERS are encouraged to gather at an alternate location and CARPOOL to HHS.
➡️ Float Riders should ENTER VIA TIGER WAY.
🗺 View the map for full details and entrance locations and parking. (
⭐️ ⭐️ Are you driving a float in the parade?
➡️ Parade FLOATS should ENTER the HHS parking lot through VIA WILLOW STREET.
🗺 View the map for full details and entrance locations. (
🎈 Parade Spectators
For the safety of children, please monitor children and keep them away from approaching floats.
⚠️ Road Closures - Plan Ahead
Some roads and intersections will be closed just prior to and during the parade (approximately 1:15 PM).
🗺 View the map for full details and alternate routes (
Roads will be reopened as the end of the parade passes